[QUOTE=molloby]The best way to do this class of problems is to ignore the concept of tension all together: don't find "T1" and "T2".
Instead transfer the forces to a free body diagram on one block, the force the string applies will be the sum of the forces on the other block but the direction will be in line with the string (obviously).
I'd advise doing this, in my physics class we had the EXACT same project as you and had to figure out the
exact same things, forces, acceleration, etc, and free-body diagrams are the best things ever: saves alot of
space and clutter, and making them as large as human possible helps too.
Also, not to say what you're doing is bad, but, I find it also helps to do VERY NEAT problems in physics,
especially problems where you need pictures, etc...
"Marino could do it."