taxation is a mechanism developed over the history of capitalism as a way of assuring minimum social stability--which capitalism requires to develop at all--it is in itself not about mobility across class lines, but it is about raising the standard of living at the economic bottom end in the name of overall system stabilization. taxation is also about rationalizing the funding for modern style warfare--remember that the french revolution was possible because the monarchy effectively went bankrupt after undertaking intervention in the american pseudo-revolution by floating bonds that it later defaulted on--a move that was necessary only because there was no rationalized taxation system. taxation is about funding public goods, the infrastructure that has to be in place for capitalism to operate at all.
no-one likes being taxed, but the idea that you coudl dismantle the system of taxation is simply insane.
it is objectively false that the primary economic player in america are small businesses.
the focus in recent years on the "entrepreneur" is ideological. nothing more.
it is alse false that taxation is in itself about increasing the size of the administrative apparatus--that is a function of a choice, a system-level choice--the american have chosen not to take full employment seriously, they have chosen not to take questions of social justice seriously, have chosen not to implement the basic markers of a civilized version of capitalism, which would being with the understanding of health care as a basic human right. because the americans have chosen not to use state intervention in social/economic activity as a productive element, the arguments made about taxation above are possible. but they have nothing to do with anything other than the longer-term consequences of particular choices made by ealier generations of americans themselves.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite