Originally Posted by SirSeymour
I find it amazing how so many can favor the redistribution of wealth (called theft by many of us) but only favor the concept with regard to wealth. I mean, hey, if it is good for doing with my hard earned money, why not do it with something like hard earned grades too. Those students who earn A's in college really don't need them all now do they? So why not just take a grade point or so from them and give it to the students who are not as diligent in the studies or as mentally gifted or who party too much? You know, the ones who have C or D average. That way the current A students will still have a B average and the C or D students can feel better about themselves and have a B/C average. Sound good?
Wow. Someone needs a course on logic. Look up the fallacy of false analogy.
The point of wealth redistribution is not to make the recipients "feel good". The point is to create a stable economy, reduce crime and lawlessness, and to prevent threats to democracy due to excessive wealth concentration.
I find it amazing how many people try to base economic systems on naive notions of fairness and rights, instead of on reality and practical methods of creating stability. After all, what is the point of a "fair" system if it simply collapses under its own ill-conceived rules?