did you continue to replace components after you did the motherboard swap? You should continue replacing parts until the system starts working. For example:
1. replace PSU. If system still doesn't work right,
2. remove all cards/peripherals from motherboard, including memory and CPU. Does system give any beep codes when turned on?
3. If you get beep codes, start adding components back to the board one by one. Start with the CPU, this should change the beep codes you get. Then put the memory back in, this should change the beep codes again. Finally, put the video card back in. Wherever the system quits working in this process is a dead component. Replace that component and continue building the system.
4. If you don't get any beep codes with a bare motherboard, then you've either got a dead PSU or a dead motherboard. Just because a PSU turns on doesn't mean that it's functioning properly.
I've seen some very strange things cause systems to refuse to POST. Everything from bad modems or sound cards, to toasted hard drives.