1: Reliable.
Only a few modern firearms are not reliable. Sig, HK, XD, Glock, etc, they own the market, and they are all pretty much the same in reliability (really really good). Don't let anyone fool you, all guns can and will jam. I have had Glocks jam on me, and my XD has miss-extracted a few times. Stay away from the SA sigmas and Hi points. Crap, but almost everything else will fit the bill.
If reliability is your number 1 concern, get a revolver. The always go bang unless the ammo is bad. Nothing wrong with a 357mag.
2: Good stopping power
Age old argument without a definite answer. A 22 cal can drop someone, while people have lived through point blank shots with a 40 cal. IMO, shot placement is key, but if you are concerned, then no matter what caliber, spend some money on some good defense ammo. I have no doubts about stopping someone with a 9mm and some good HPs or glassers.
3: Reasonably easy to clean and service for someone who has not owned a handgun in the past.
Again, almost all modern guns are easy to take down and clean. Some have little tricks like the CZ75 that needs a mag to push out a pin, but it is not that difficult. It is the rim fires that are hard as hell to take down and clean.
4: Not unreasonably expensive to practice with (I will need to do this for a while before carrying it) on a college student's budget.
If that is the case, then I would go for 9mm. Cheapest around. Of course if you have the extra money, you can get a 40 and then get a conversion barrel, but that only works on some guns (ie Glock and XD) that I know of.
All in all, do some research and find things you are interested in. Go to a well stocked store and see how they feel, if you can reach all of the controls, and how they point. I had a hard on for Glocks until I held my XD, and I had a hard on for XDs until I held a CZ P-01. There is a gun out there that that will fit you, so just take your time and try them out. Rent if you can and all that. And don't forget, only guys will small dicks will call you a pussy for carrying a 9mm.