Originally Posted by Kalibah
I think that a FLAT 15-17%ish taxrate ( i give range becasue someone else can do the math  and thatd be fine.
But Im just bringing up the point that there are a massive amount of people who make over 200k but arent millionares. We draw a line somewhere? well if kerry is getting votes because he wants to cut breaks for millionares- then cut them for millionares not for small buisnesses.
But i still disagree with not giving everyone a taxcut. The top two brackets pay 80%+or- of the taxes- why not give them a break too?
I don't recall Kerry claiming he intended to repeal a tax cut for millionaires by repealing tax cuts for anyone making $200k or more. Which seems to be your argument. I'm not going to argue something that doesn't even exist.
Progressive taxation is required to assist in remedying the inherent power imbalance in our system. Sorry, but a flat tax is unfair to most for exactly the reason you most likely feel it is fair.