I have two very basic reasons to explain why I'll be voting for Sen. Kerry, but first....
Originally Posted by cthulu23
I'm voting for Kerry because his policies on foreign policy, the environment and social issues do not border on the insane.
Nice. Very funny.
1- I agree with the vast majority of Sen. Kerry's positions and policies. Since no one single candidate can share all of my personal positions on every issue, I have to vote for the candidate who I agree
the most with. In this case, that man is Sen. John Kerry.
2- Quite simple, he said this....
Edit: (I just wanted the little box. It wasn't really originally posted by John Kerry, right? I'm not going to get any flak for this, right?)
Originally Posted by Sen. John Kerry
I believe that I can't legislate or transfer to another American citizen my article of faith. What is an article of faith for me is not something that I can legislate on somebody who doesn't share that article of faith.
He doesn't like gay marriage. Doesn't agree with it at all, but he isn't going to try to legislate an "article of faith" that some hold to affect those of us who don't under the guise of preserving the "sanctity of marriage." Which, I should point out, is also an "article of faith" that not all of us hold dear.
It seems the administration has no problem with Elizabeth Taylor (wedded some 8 times) Jennifer Lopez (married 3 times in the last 6 years) and Britney Spears (married twice by the tender age of 22,) but feel we need a constitutional amendment to preserve the sanctity of marriage. An amendment that doesn't affect the likes of Taylor, Lopez or Spears...excuse me, Federline, but instead specifically targets homosexuals. I apologize, it's also aimed at purveyors of bestiality, right? Because that's where the slippery slope will take you.
I seemed to have gotten a bit off track, but that's two reasons why I will be voting for Sen. John Kerry in November.