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Old 10-19-2004, 09:12 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Location: Padded Playhouse
Originally Posted by pan6467

Before 9/11 there was no evidence Bush would be strong and a good leader. And at first he was.

However, IMO, Kerry will do just fine IF something were to happen, because he is just as strong an individual as Bush.

I see Kerry saying on TV with the Reverand and Sharpton that we wont let thousands of black voters be disanfranchised in Florida this year

Urban Legend, Ive been shown NO hard facts that ANY black disanfranchisment took place in Florida in 2000- despite what Kerry and the black caucus suggests....

The difference is

RNC has lawyers ready
DNC has lawyers ready
Kerry is race baiting with Jesse
ACT is showing pre-civil rights era pictures saying " this is what republicans do to keep you from voting"

While BUSH has stayed mostly out of it

Partys aside, Kerry is taking part in his groups "fraud squad"
Bush is not

Kerry has voted repeatedly to cut funding for weapon systems.
Kerry voted against the first gulf war when we had a large colalition.
Kerry voted against intellegence funding.\

Cheney did too vote against funding for weapon systems- but he wont be the commander in chief...- but kerry clearly shows his priorties

While Bush might have had no evidence to be a strong leader before 9/11- it wasnt needed- we werent at war.
We are now and Kerrys voting record shows he is not.
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