Life and death are natural cycles of existence, like the seasons. As children of Mother Earth, we are no different. Our physical bodies are born, live, and die. But science tells us that matter simply changes form. All the cells that will make up the grey hairs on your head when you are old already exist in some form, biding their time. All matter continues on endelssly. Energy is no different. Energy may dissipate and travel, but it never ceases to be. Can spiritual energy be any different? Can, then, our soul or spirit, that thing that is "us" that lives in and manipulates our physical body, be immune to these natural laws that all other atoms and molecules and waves in the universe observe? It's foolishness and/or arrogance to think so. My Native American brothers tells me that the Great Spirit is in everything, you, me, mountains, rocks, clouds, animals, microbes, everything. You may "die", but all that is "you" continues, eventually returning here, or perhaps elsewhere, to work out your karma, or remaining on a spiritual plane to guide or educate others by various means. At least, these are the beliefs that my lifelong search for truth and meaning has led me to. I can only go with what my intellect, intuition, and instincts tell me, I have no other tools available to me. Nor do you. The one thing you cannot transcend isa your own experience. At best, the only thing we can say for sure is that there appears to be such a thing as consciousness. In the end, your path may differ from mine, but if we are all spiritually awake, it doesn't really matter how we got there, or what name we gave our God(s)/Goddess(es)/Whatever.