Frying a turkey this weekend
I am planning on frying a turkey this weekend for the second time. While I am familiar with the process from doing it once before, I do have a few questions for anyone out there who has got significant experience at this. Anyone able to help me out with these?
- Question 1
The first and only time I fried a turkey was last December. I filtered and saved all of the oil when I was done,. but did not refrigerate or freeze it. Is this still safe to use?
- Question 2
I have purchased a bird that is almost 16 pounds. Most of the recipies that I see on line don't suggest frying a bird this large. Others suggest that it is okay if I cut off the legs and wings to fry them first. Does anyone have guidance on frying a bird this size correctly?
- Question 3
Does anyone have any favorite turkey frying recipes? I am obviously familiar with the simply cajun flavoring injection recipe.
Thanks for any guidance in advance.
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