Originally Posted by Kalibah
Swift Vets put it best- and Im not implying they are non-partisan despite the fact that some are Democrats- simply saying they put it best
It is a matter of public record that John Kerry lied before Congress when he falsely portrayed his fellow service personnel in Vietnam as rapists and baby killers. John Kerry claimed that American troops were guilty of “crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command,” and that we “personally raped” and otherwise brutalized innocent civilians. Kerry specifically accused Swift boat personnel of “showing the flag and firing at sampans and villages along the banks” and “butchering a lot of innocent people.” None of that is true
Kerry never said that all of the troops were willing "rapists" or "baby killers" (I defy you to show me a Kerry quote that actually uses the term "baby killer"). He said that some of the military policies of the US were themselves war crimes (free fire zones, burning villages, etc) and that the horror of the war drove many good men to do terrible things. You can gloss over the nightmare of the Vietnam war if you like but it will take more then this campaign to remove the stain of that conflict from our national mind. I like to think that most folks don't confuse anti-war thought with anti-soldier thougth. In fact, the oldest trick in the book is to equate one with the other.