Originally Posted by Kalibah
Well while true many elder had a problem -it went beyond that... I don't believe all the ballots in question belonged to elder people. It also is important to re-bring up the Voter registration forums in colorado, because it pertains to this and because my " too stupid" quote refers to that also- If you cannot check the box at the end of the form - and fill out the form FULLY- then you dont get to vote. Its plain and simple. Now for people with arthritis, or seeing problems ,etc , then I feel for them - but that is what polling workers do. Ive seen several signs at polling stations that ask voters to not hesitate to ask for help if they have a problem/question or concern.
Regardless of whether it was all elderly or not that had problems with the Fla. 2000 ballot, your hard and fast rules would exclude these very same people. As I've argued throughout this entire thread, trying to exclude "stupid people" from voting is an intrinsically elitist, undemocratic and dangerous idea.