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Old 10-19-2004, 05:34 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: Padded Playhouse
[QUOTE=pan6467]Privatizing SS does have it's problems. If you do not know what you are doing and the market drops you're toast. Conversely, if you are knowledgeable, you can take very little and make a lot. I think privatizing for the masses will only help banks and brokerage houses. If I saw Bush's plan instead of just hearing his talk maybe I would see he has a good idea. But just talk scares me when I've seen what he has done in other areas.

About disenfranchisement I started a thread earlier where I believe both sides have set up this election to claim voter fraud and claim the other side stole it (which no matter who wins I truly believe will happen).

As for the draft, as I stated before, both Kerry or Bush WILL HAVE to draft if enlistment goes down or things in the Mid-East get worse. There's no way around it. You have to keep fresh troops coming and relieve troops over there and burnt out. No doubt in my mind that both are full of shit when they claim no draft.

So yes, I see the scare tactics from the Kerry side but to me, they aren't as bad as sitting there saying "you elect this guy we're going to get hit."

We're going to get hit again it won't matter who is elected and to say that it's more probable under one than the other is to almost beg for it so you can say "see told you so". When it comes to "homeland Security" I believe both will do the best job possible and I would not take their job for anything. However, I think Bush is more likely to take rights away if we have another hit. I believe Kerry will be more apt to try to build more alliances and work with people of other countries to combat the terrorists. But we'll never know what will happen till if and when it does happen.[/

Bush never said he wants to privatize social security.
Bush said there wont be a draft while he is president, while Kerry states that there is a "very real chance for a draft is Bush is reelected"
the most recent Liberal ACTNOW group showing pictures of a fireman hosing down a blackman saying " dont let this happen again"

Building alliances w/ people getting payoffs from saddam ( ie france, russia and germany) isnt gonna work, nevermind the fact that france said they WILL NOT put troops into Iraq no mat.ter who is elected.

And you fasley quoted cheney- which im not surprised at but he said

Cheney, speaking to an invitation-only crowd as he began a bus tour through Republican strongholds in Ohio, said Kerry is trying to convince voters he would be the same type of "tough, aggressive" leader as President Bush in the fight against terrorism.

"I don't believe it," the vice president said. "I don't think there's any evidence to support the proposition that he would, in fact, do it."
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