I'm really dating myself here, but:
1) As mentioned by others here, "ET" for the Atari 2600. This is the undisputed grandfather of high-dollar licensing gone horribly awry. I think I just took mine apart with a hammer to test my theory that there was actual, bonafide shit inside the casing.
2) "Wall Street Kid" for the NES. This bottom feeder was basically a text-based "simulation" of being a stock broker. The real kicker is that your goal is to make a lot of money so you can buy things for your girlfriend and impress her father. Everyhing about this game is just wrong.
3) "Technocop" for the Sega Genesis. I could go on and on about this horrible piece of crap, but it's claim to fame is that it was the first console game to ever warrant a parental warning. The issue that parents had was that when you shot a bad guy, he basically disintegrated but did not disappear. Instead, he collapsed into a big red splotch on the floor but the head stayed intact. I am ashamed to this day that I ever owned this bucket o' chum.
I wonder what those parents think of GTA3 or Leisure Suit Larry?
I trust no one. Not even myself.
-- Josef Stalin
Last edited by fordluvr; 10-19-2004 at 05:30 PM..