The moon is moving away from the earth at a rate of about one inch a year.
Alpha Centauri, the star closest to our solar system, is still 4.3 light years away.
Christopher Columbus was not a genius because he thought the world was round and everyone else thought it was flat, it was an accepted fact by that time that the world was round, Columbus was just incredibly bad at math and calculated the world to be about 8,000 nautical miles smaller in circumfrence then it really is. If America wasn't where it is, his mission would have failed because he only brought enough food for a one way trip, and his calculations showed the east coast of Asia being right about where the east coast of America is(give or take a little).
Gallileo wasn't officially forgiven and apologized to by the church for being right until sometime in the 1940s(I think it was the 1940s, but I'm probably wrong, but it was still a very long time after his death.)
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.