Originally Posted by Kalibah
My theory is Abortion is the killing of INNOCENT life. Death Pentalty is not.
In "faithful citizenship" and recent bishop letters to parishoners it is noted that war and death penalty are not intrinsicly evil, and there are cases when it is justified, Abortion, samesex marriages and stem cell research are not.
Vatican doctrine condemns the death penalty no matter what a single bishop says and the Catholic church has condemned the Iraq war. Doesn't supporting either make you a religious hypocrite? Or are you breaking from church doctrine? If so, I hope that you show patience for others who do the same.
John kerry preaching hes a catholic, when his stances are NOT that of the catholic church needs be be brought up by the MSM. Also to note is calling George W. Bush's stances " right wing idelogy" is almost insulting to a Catholic, because it is what the church and its doctrine teaches. To flaunt being a catholic and "choir boy" in the debates, while insulting us at rallys, and taking stacnes clearly NOT that of our church is wrong.
See above statement....we wouldn't be harboring any anti-Catholic stances ourselves, would we?