host, I asked art to re-open this thread because I thought a worthwhile discussion was happening outside of the couple jabs taking place. It appears to me that I may have overestimated its worth though.
As art said, if you have questions regarding moderation, PM them to someone, don't hijack threads for your own means. Considering that you admit you are "hostile" to those who support Bush, it seems to me as though you may not exactly have the most objective perspective of what you perceive. If you cannot respect the fact people differ in opinion from you, and you see nothing wrong in this lack of respect, that easily explains why one may not see certain things as "fair."
Both comments art pointed out are comments which had the potential to threaten the evolution of this thread. Both were comments that would have had validity if they were stated in a more respectful manner. One of them I was able to edit in such a way as to get the point across I think just as well without being disrespectful of the fact some people have different opinions and interpretations of facts.
"Outrage" is no excuse for showing disrespect and contempt for other people's opinions. The strength of your point of view makes absolutely no difference in your responsibility to be a respectful poster, however much the other person's view may differ from yours. The rest of your post I'll simply attribute to grandstanding - you know full well it has nothing to do with the subject of the thread. When you're free enough of a "hostile" mind to make those points in the appropriate places, you may feel free to do so in a way in which is respectful of the fact some people, who are equally and even more intelligent than you (and, yes, less as well), hold a very different opinion.
I reasoned to have this thread kept open because I thought it was a valid discussion and because it's one I also take a personal interest in. At this point though, I am willing close it at the drop of a hat. Get this thread back on topic and civilized again.
Le temps détruit tout
"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling