Originally Posted by icksters
I'm 5'2" and I have been mistaken for a freshman in high school when I'm a sophomore in college. I don't mind at all tho, I gotta take the compliments now because I know I'll be begging for them later  I also prefer my men taller than me, my boyfriend now is about 5'10".
Just a weird, pointless sidenote... You reminded me of my dream! I was going to visit these people after a highschool event.. a play or something. I think I was there to pick someone up. A lot of people I had graduated with were there too. But they had all bought tickets, and people were checking them *after the show*. Since I just got there, and they of course wouldn't be selling tickets at that point, I didn't have one and I got in trouble. They thought I was a highschooler and that I should get suspended for a couple days. I said "that'd be great sir, but I graduated in 2001" :P
anyway, i'm actually 5'0 3/4" to be exact. I used to say I was 5'2... this is based on the fact that my friend in highschool who was the same height as me said she was 5'2. at that point, I thought I was 5'1 and done growing but if she said she was 5'2, i'd be 5'2 too. :-D it's kind of funny... but I guess i'll just round it up to 5'1 now. I've always liked taller guys. My boyfriend is also around 5'10, maybe 5'11.