I voted for Kerry, not just because he's not Bush but because I think he would do a competent job. Not great, but competent. There were better, but that's who the party system gave us. I definitely believe that he'll do a better job than Bush, and is coming in with more relevant experience and knowledge than Bush had, and better judgment.
Will Kerry make America the country I hope it'll be someday? No, but at the very least I think he'll strive to be a responsible steward of our nation's well-being within the limits allowed by our basically corrupt political system. I think that Bush is taking us down a road that will lead to an America that is poorer, more divided, more unjust, sicker, and friendless.
I like to joke that a second Bush term will be the best thing ever to happen to socialism in this country. Because the abuses of the current system will be so huge that even 70-year-old retired postmen in Omaha, hiding their heads inside a copy of Christianity Today, won't be able to ignore them. But I don't really believe that.