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Old 10-19-2004, 02:59 AM   #74 (permalink)
Originally Posted by ARTelevision
This statement from the thread starter:

"When I hear someone say that Al Qaeda hates America because of all the freedoms afforded to its citizens, I don't consider that person to be of sound mind."

tends toward undercutting any validity this thread may have.

This quote from the above poster:

"While I think there are people to stupid or uninformed to vote (I call these people liberals)..."

follows up on the same approach and baits flames as does the first quote.

Thanks to those who moderated their responses here. Considering the other side to be stupid, not-bright, not of sound mind, or uniformed is neither reasoned nor reasonable. Please carry on in a spirit more in keeping with respectful discussion.
ARTelevision, I'll admit that I was aggravated from the moment Bush "took"
office because it is reaonable, in my mind, given the facts that I have posted
all over these threads, to have the informed opinion that the Supreme Court
of the United States, in concert with Bush, his brother and his backers,
preempted the rights of the voters in Florida, and subverted the U.S. Constitution by installing Bush in the POTUS by judicial edict.

Bush had deliberately misled this country into a war that has needlessly
resulted in the deaths of too many Americans and Iraqus. He has attacked
and diminished the Bill of Rights and the Geneva Convention by denying
Citizens and foreigners who have been accused of crimes, a right to an
attorney, and an opportunity to appear before a judge, holding unindicted
individuals for as long as three years now. Bush's economic policies and
government budget management have been disasterous to our future
credit risk, and to the soundness of the dollar. He has conducted government
in secret unless forced by legal action to disclose the deliberations that the
people have a right to observe. He has appeared for only 25% of the press
conferences that recent past presidents have participated in.

I observed Republicans in the federal legislature react to the point of impeaching former President Clinton for lying under oath about an adulterous
affair, in a deposition that occurred because conservative Republicans known
to Bush financed the litigation that made the deposition possible.

I lived in Manhattan on 9/11, and now I observe that in a recent poll, nearly
half of NYC residents believe that Bush and his government had enough
advance knowledge of the 9/11 attack to prevent or minimize it's effects if
they had made doing so a priority. It is clear to me that Bush and Cheney
have deliberately encouraged and inflamed a climate of fear in order to
strenghten their own political power. It is ironic, that this tactic of deception
has succeeded in creating a heightened level of fear among people who live
in areas of the country that most probably will never face a terrorist attack.
Ironic that in the frontline, high probability areas of NYC and Washington DC,
the populations are overwhelmingly in favor of the election of Bush's opponent.

The debates revealed to anyone who wanted to look that Bush does not
appear to have the maturity, self control, commuinication skills, or the
ability to think on his feet to be qualified to be POTUS. I beleive that anyone
who would publically declare that terrorists "hate us because of our freedoms", is making an empty and stupid statement. I am outraged and
quietly hostile toward people who support Bush for reasons unrelated to
their religious beliefs, because I am informed about Bush's record, his failings,
and his potential to do much greater harm to our country and to the world.
Bush has failed the test of honesty and forhtrightness that I require of a
POTUS. I respect the rights of others to hold informed opinions that differ
from my own, but I did observe the low standards of tolerance that
Republican leaders displayed towards Clinton in their impeachment of him on
charges that Bush's actions render moot, in comparison.

When I read that you enthusiastically support a candidate who I believe,
without a doubt, has committed multiple acts that have violated his oath to
"preserve and protect the Constitution", a candidate who should be
enduring the process of impeachment, and then criminal prosecution if the
impeachment proceedings deliver evidence that would warrant that, I have
no choice but to wonder how you could support a man under such a cloud
of valid accusations.

The next time you decide that it is necessary to "moderate" in these threads,
please ask yourself how you would react if you held a point of view similar to
mine, before you determine who is being too shrill or too obnoxious here.
I read the Chicago Trib's endorsement of Bush's candidacy with as open a
mind as I could muster. Please review the articles at these links to get a
better idea of why the outrage only grows among some of those that you
have the authority to moderate:
<a href="">The Strategy to Secure Iraq Did Not Foresee a 2nd War</a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">Without a Doubt 10/18/04</a>

Last edited by host; 10-19-2004 at 03:06 AM..
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