a betta fish is definately the best idea for this... but the above is still applicable to them as well. betta are really conservative with their waste so water doesn't get dirty as fast. also keep in mind that the end product of the nitrogen cycle(nitrate) plus phosphates in fish food + light(obviously if part of a lamp) = algae. so you are gonna need a way to wipe the inside walls down. snail will help but still... also the water temp. is a factor. if its too close to the lamp it will heat up a lot. 70-80 F is okay, but usually over that problems occur. try an energy saving flourecent bulb to keep heat down. also leave about 2-4 inches of "air" at the top as bettas need to breath at the surface of the water, this also needs to be able to circulate. Another important thing is feeding... or rather NOT overfeeding(a common problem with new aquarists) get a betta food and add 2-4 pellets PER DAY. disregard what the recommended feeding on the box says. above all, TALK TO THE PET STORE PEOPLE!!!(not petsmart or petco or wallmart etc., go to a local fish store, they usually have better advice) they are actually there to help you! hope this helps!
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