Originally Posted by docbungle
"Protect our civil liberties" is not a negative statement. It is not saying "To hell with anyone who doesn't protect our civil liberties," or anything even remotely sensational. How it could be construed as riot-inducing is beyond me. How it can be compared to standing up in a theater and screaming is also beyond me.
Booting these people out is extremist at least. Explaining the reasoning for booting them out as being anything other than extremist is simple denial.
"The far-left tinfoil hat brigade?" Jesus.
When one side takes something as their organizational mantra, it can indeed represent something far different from what the words alone would convey. "Protect our civil liberties" sounds like a Libertarian mantra, right? But the far left fruitcakes have adopted it for themselves, when not foaming at the mouth about "MIHOP", which is leftie-loonie for "Made it happen on purpose", which is their way of saying that Dubya PERSONALLY not only knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand, but ARRANGED it for political gain. Yeah, there are some real nutjobs out there on the Left, just like there are some real nutjobs on the right.