Originally Posted by daswig
Then why is China building that blue-water navy?
/hopes we give many nukes to Taiwan...
You speak doom and gloom about the specter of Chinese aggression and then advocate an action almost guaranteed to spark said aggression. How does arming Taiwan with nukes make any sense? I know of no one who advocates that position .
Some may fear the Chinese and secretly wish for a confrontation with them, but the foreign policy of our nation demonstrates that our own leaders support engagement over saber rattling. Of course China is a potential threat but the hard-edged ideological battles of the cold war are over. Capitalism won and the Chinese are just jockeying for position. They have more to gain from playing along then they would by returning to the aggressive past, as can be seen by their succesful emergence in the global economic order.
This is not to say that I condone the human rights abuses of China or think that we should soft-peddle them on such issues. There are always right ways and wrong ways to apporach a situation. I think that most reasonable people understand that direct military confrontation with China is most definitley the wrong way.