Originally Posted by braindamage351
While both prefer good genes, and an attractive body, the man has to provide food and shelter, which can be a difficult task, while the woman just has to take care of the child. Although that's a difficult thing to do, pretty much anyone can do it...
I'm sorry if I come across as a Pinhead here. I wasn't going to say anything but I just can't resist. I do daycare. I know MANY people who can't and hate taking care of a child. Not just ANYONE can do it. I've seen so many who haven't the patience. Yeah just anyone can sit the kid in front of the TV and throw chips at them but I'm talking about REALLY caring for the kid. If you think ANYONE can do that then ANYONE can find food and shelter too.
Sorry if I'm being picky. In my chosen career I can't help but take notice when someone says it's a job that anyone can do. It isn't easy. Hubby's seen the work that goes into it and there are many jobs out there that can be easier, at least on some days.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.