Originally Posted by tecoyah
What I fail to understand is how this phrase " Protect our Civil Liberties", can be interpreted as something that might insight violence.....perhaps I am naive in this.
The far left tinfoil hat brigade (which, oddly enough, is led by long-time KKK recruiter and homophobe Senator Robt. Byrd of West Virginia) have been screaming about Patriot being a serious, unconstitutional restriction upon civil liberties. People showing up wearing a catchphrase of the far left on their clothing would, by a reasonable person, be seen to NOT belong at a private right-wing function. This wasn't a public function, and CERTAINLY wasn't a public forum within the meaning of First Amendment jurisprudence. As such, the Republicans were within their rights to kick them out, just as the Democrats would be within their rights to kick out somebody wearing a "Rush is Right!" t-shirt. Now the person wearing the "Rush is Right!" t-shirt may claim that they meant the DRUG "rush" or the BAND "Rush" but it doesn't matter. The people running a private event have a damned near ABSOLUTE right to refuse admission to any person for any reason.