When I was 16 I delivered pizzas for about a year.
I live in Wisconsin, and we can have some really nasty snowstorm/blizzards during the winter. It was during one of these snowstorms that I was supposed to deliver several pizzas to this lady in an apartment. Since the driving conditions were terrible, we were naturally busy. It took almost an hour and a half to get her the pizza she had ordered, but we were telling customers that it would likely be 2 hours before they got their order simply because the roads were so bad...
When I finally get there, she's really pissed off because it took so long to get her her food. She ripped the boxes out of my hands and basically said that there was no way she was paying over $20.00 for the six pizzas due to the delay. I apologized for the delay, but told her that in order to keep the food she would have to pay the full price, which was somewhere around $56.00. She set the pizzas aside, grabbed her purse, and angrily opened her wallet, again saying that there was no way she was going to pay that much with the delay. She crumpled up a bill and threw it at me, and then slammed the door in my face. I reached down, opened the crinkled money, and saw that it was only ten bucks. Becuase I carried my till on me, the missing money was going to come basically out of my pocket. Then, I saw a hundred dollar bill that was quickly being covered with snow with the corner of it wedged in between the door and it's frame. I pulled it out, not sure if I should mention it or not. My conscience got the best of me, and I knocked on her door again. She pulled aside the curtain, gave me the finger, and returned the curtain to where it was.
I walked away with over a $50.00 tip, and right or wrong, I have no qualms about it