Originally Posted by cooperricko
Quoted by martinguerre:-
"immaculate conception"
Has nothing to do with Jesus. A later catholic teaching that Mary was concieved with out recieving original sin.
Is this sort of like - "making the story up as they go along"? How many other facts have been made up to make the story a little bit more interesting. Isn't this what the tangent was heading towards some time ago. Logic, Scientific theory etc...
New Advent is a pretty conservative Catholic site, but it can provide a decent answer nonetheless. Not sure what the last part of your comment was referring to, but most progressive Catholics and Catholics leaders embrace science and logic. There is a saying that the Word of God has "two books" - the Bible and Nature... i.e. neither can contradict the other, and when they do, the understanding and interpretation of one is likely wrong. Personally, I adhere to this belief. In line with this, I am "uncertain" regarding the doctrine of the imaculate conception. I believe it to be entirely possible, however I think that the definition of "what is immaculate" may change along with our understanding of God.
Incidentally, the doctrine of the immaculate conception is one of only two times the pope has spoken Ex Cathedra...a.k.a. infallibly.