As the title is "top three worst games ever" and not "top three games I just bought and quickly hated", I would have to agree with several posters and add 1 new one...
1) E.T.
2) Superman 64
3) Tresspasser (PC) <---- No one has mentioned this?!?!
Tresspasser was an overly-hyped game set in Jurrasic Park made around 1998. It touted the use of physics as a integral part of its gameplay (a possible first) with realistic dinosaur behaviors modeled (hunting, resting, etc).
It had two hollywood actors handling the voice work (also a relatively new idea at the time) Richard Attenborough & Minnie Driver.
The game essentially boiled down to you spending tens of minutes trying to stack small crates with a wacked out arm that moved in impossible ways. After stacking crates you could then jump up to a new area or similar sillyness. Oh and the dinosaurs were simply terrible.
Here's a PREVIEW!
The guys at Old Man Murrray knew their stuff...
If you have a gamasutra login try reading this postmortem of the game by the designers. I haven't read this in years so I'm not sure if they still have it.
A demo if you are a user of Fileplanet? Sweet lord that is just not right.