Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
My kid is pretty excited about wearings his rubber boots to school. They have the Batman logo on the side. They are, of course, his "batman boots."
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
All morning long, he chanted "Batman BOOTS!" in a happy, sing-song fashion (Batman BOOTS!) that had all the charm of a dental drill boring into a molar, over and over and over and over...
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
So now (Batman BOOTS!) all I can (Batman BOOTS!) hear in my head (Batman BOOTS!) is "Batman BOOTS!"
DAMN YOU, DARK KNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- clavus
PS - Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Batman BOOTS!
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.