Originally Posted by daswig
Gee, for not being a racist, you seem to know a lot of racists. Let me ask you this. Does the Klan want African-Americans to be able to get guns? And post-Reconstruction, which demographic was disarmed and why? Hint: When the Klan went out to lynch some poor african-american dude, did they want him unarmed, or armed with an automatic rifle? If you don't think that gun control laws are UNIFORMLY both racist and classist, then you probably don't have a problem with literacy tests for voting, either.
How do you figure? Dude, this is the INTERNET. How can you bully somebody in cyberspace??? The ONLY way I could POSSIBLY be a threat to you is if you tracked me down and started shit with me in person, which ain't gonna happen. Otherwise, you're out of range, by several states. Unless that was YOU who accosted me over my "Kerry '04: Because Treason is Patriotic!" sign...
You have a right to say most anything you want. You do NOT have a right to say whatever you want, and not have people call "bullshit" on you. I think you need to do some serious reading on the legal limitations in place on the First Amendment...especially the part about "fighting words" and "words likely to cause an immediate breach of the peace".
Yes, when you grow up and there are racists all around the city in which you live you learn and see it. As for the black racists, that's not hard to see in the military.
We don't live in times of the reconstruction, the vast majority of the uS can own a gun if they so choose. Again, I see no problem there, I do have a problem with conceal and carry and the attitude of some gun owners that owning their gun is a right given by God and they fall in love with the power of it. Those are the scary people. Just as the people who demand there be no guns at all and are adamnant about it. Radicalism is radicalism and when you go to far one way you are eventually going to go to far in your beliefs, (not necessarily your actions but the risk is far higher).
As for my right of free speech I have done nothing but show respect and voice my opinion... you are the one choosing to get all hyped and threatening.
Yes, this is the internet and this is a forum and in this forum there are standards. Bullying people, calling them names will not get you anywhere.
As for the law about the weapons in bars... I was wrong it is a state law in quite a few states (been researching it because I thought for sure it was a fed law, like carrying a gun within 50 feet of a school or church or election poll). But hey, a couple profs in my dept. are lawyers and Criminal Justice is there so I'll ask around.