The process of democratic election should be "DEMOCRATIC", thus a true representation of different opinions of the ENTIRE (sound minded) population- 'a cross section' as one said before in this thread.
The problem of stripping 'uneducated mass' their right to vote based on their academic record will be:
* The 'educated mass' is very likely to have some what different social ecomnomic status from the 'uneducated mass', this no doubt in my mind will bring a confilict of interest. If the 'uneducated' 'irresponsible' gave up their rights to the 'educated' 'more responsible', what will stop the 'educated' population from abusing their own voting rights to only benefit themselves? Isn't this the problem why democracy is created in the first place?
Last edited by t193r7; 10-17-2004 at 09:02 PM..