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Old 05-11-2003, 08:12 AM   #37 (permalink)
james t kirk
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Location: Toronto
That article belongs in the outhouse frankly.

Case in point......

George W. Bush.

Fater was Georger Herbert Walker Bush. Mother was Barbara Bush. A fine upstanding tory family.

Seems to me in his younger years, W was a bit irresponsible. Heck, he didn't even work till he was 40. And even then, he didn't really work as most of us know it.

Didn't do too well at school. Had a wee bit of a cocaine problem. Oh, and there were those three arrests, including DUI I believe.

But he did come from a fine upstanding conservative family.

Me on the other hand, my dad worked in a factory, my mother taught grade 3. I worked part time when i was in highschool from the age of 15 onwards (evenings and weekends, my first job being stripping paint for $2.15 an hour), still managed to pull off the marks to get into university. During the summers in university, i worked 12 hours a day from sun up till sun down in a steel fabrication shop and out on site hanging steel from the sky. I got my degree, hell, i even am enrolled in a masters programme part time. I speak 2 languages, I pay my taxes, I work full time, and do weekend side projects as well for 2 other jobs. Never collected a dime of assistance from anyone, knock on wood, never been on unemployment. I pay my own way. Never been arrested to the best of my knowledge either.

And my parents were both liberals.

So kiss my ass kid.
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