Originally Posted by mirevolver
I would argue that it is indeed different. They are attempting to affect the political process of a country which is not their own.
A touch hypocritcal, don't you think? For every Guardian reader who sends a letter, there will be an American who believes that his country is 100% correct to go into other country and change their governments because they aren't how they believe the other country should be.
Originally Posted by mirevolver
And France holds a veto vote in the UN security council. So this pretty much shows that going to the UN is a waste of time.
No it doesn't. It shows that America can't throw it's weight around at the UN. If it came to a solution that all the countries agreed on, there wouldn't have been a problem, and an illegal war wouldn't have been started. Just because another country doesn't want you going to war doesn't mean that their opinion is a waste of time. What makes America's opinion any more valid than another country's?