Hey I have a crazy theory about this whole thing. I know I'm going out on limb here but this is what happened. There were some twenty evil boys from the middle east who throughout their lives were led to believe very nasty hateful things about America. These boys were then told a tall tale about how their place in heaven would be secure and their families would live on in honor if these boys would do something to bring down the this nasty vile and hateful America. I know...crazy so far but it's really going to get bad now...hang with me okay!!
So these twenty dudes get all fired up and on one seemingly normal day in America they board four different flights in teams of five (minus the one jack ass we actually aprehended because he's not nearly as brilliant as the rest of these mutants). Still with me? These flights take off at roughly the same time from different cities and while in the air these mutants take over the planes

-- crazy talk I know -- and then here's where I really go out on a limb so hang on tightly -- THEY CRASH THE PLANES INTO TWO AMERICAN ICONS OF INDUSTRIAL AND MILIRTARY MIGHT!
HOLY CRAP!! I can't believe I said it...but that's my theory.