Most girls, well the hot ones, usually only like hair on your head and little bit above your unit
Ahem... guys.. I wouldn't take this part too seriously. It's not true (a lot of women like guys w/ hair.. nothing wrong w/ that. It's natural)
. The part about "the hot ones" ... haha .. sorry i had to laugh.
As far as everything else goes.. In lesson 1 (i haven't read 2 yet) I agree. Just take care of yourselves guys.
And as far as skin care products go, I know a lot of macho guys dont want to go get "girl" products but I recommend Este Lauder. It isn't cheap (unless you find an "as is" store.. they sell the facial wash for about $9) but it does a great job ! I also recommend Burgesse (sp) and that's even more expensive, but hey.. if you can afford it..