Originally Posted by GeePeeS'r
Apparently I don't agree with the majority here. I like South Park, and think it is hilarious. But this movie looks like the biggest wast of money and time in the history of cinema. The commercial are hideous, and look so cheesy, I can't imagine sitting through it for 1 and a half hours.
Come on - how corny is the "Hey terrorists, terrorize this!" line?? Anyway....
I saw it last night. It sucked. I was so disappointed, I was almost angry. Tired jokes that I'd already heard a million times before, nothing new. I expected better for all the money that was pissed away on it. The songs were even lame and uncreative, and I usually love their songs! At about the one hour mark I was thinking, "Holy shit, when will this end?” I wanted to walk out. I mean, how many times can they make fun of Alec Baldwin and have it be funny?
I love SP. I loved Basketball, and especially the SP movie, but this pile of garbage was just that... a waste.
Trite, lame, tired, disappointing…