Psychological Forum Anyone..?
I brought up the idea of a Psychological Forum as a new place on TFP. According to PhredGreen on the suggestion board he thought I should put this idea out here on this board to see if I can rally support.
I'd like the psychological forum to be a place where professionals or non-professionals can come to discuss issues such as theories, exchange of ideas, what works / what doesn't in the field, administration info in human services, medications, behavioral techniques, graduate and undergraduate school info, burnout support (for those in the fields), etc.
It should not be a place where depressed people linger to mope and gain pity from the masses. It should be informative to professionals and non-professionals and all those who enter.
So what does everyone think.. yay or nay with the idea? Post your reply after reading. It can and would be a new and great forum that would be educational.
Thanks in advance,