roomates haven't been to bad.
just sometimes annoying.
First: coworker, apartment downtown, (nice place, rpetty cheap rent)
threw lots of parties though, and would then pass out, and I'd have to kick everyone out.
ended up getting us kicked out because he wouldn't pay his fiens to the landlord (furniture on the balcony, friends smoking in the hallway)
Second: nice guy, but 35, with the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old.
would occasionaly rant on various things, lkike how Costco is an arm of the Chinese military and there using it to infiltrate NA, MEC (local outdoor gear coop) was actually a for profit comopany and the owners were rich, etc. also spilt drinks on floor, and stain carpet (says he would clena up, neverdid) put a hole in the wall from the handle of the front door. (never fixed) broke my dryer. (never fixed)
my third roomates where girls, much better to live with (one was a feriend though, one was my sister, so they might not count.) (although the friend was much easier to live with than the sister)
My roomate in College? nice enough guy, horrible sleeper (I'm a lite sleeper)
Grinds teeth
and breaths really loudly while sleeping.
needless to say, my schedule switched to sleeping from 8:00am-3:00pm. and I missed lots of classes.