ok!! you've asked for it .... i have some great stories about some of the ...... people? ... well .... i'm not sure if they were people, but .... oh well
horror story #1
lets just call her "phycho hose beast" (PHB)
ok i moved in there because ...well i had to, answered an add in the paper and i was in, she seemed really cool and she was really cute. the first 2 weeks were great, we had beers and had a good ole time anyhow one night she comes home and freeks out about a mess that her cats had made ...... just completely flips, never seen anything like it. the next day she acted like nothing had happened so that was fine for a while then it happens again and again and again. i came to the realization that this girl had a few really deep seeded emotional probs ....
now .... it's not like she hadn't had her life handed to her on a silver platter, this girl grew up going to a $36,000 a year school, her daddy was high up in the australian military, she had just sold her first house for a good profit, her husband was the manager of a major department store and his father was the honcho of said department stores nation wide ..... (yes i did mention husband, and i will get back to that)
PHB would also always inform me of her sexual adventures, and would tell me at leanth how much she loved butt sex! all well and good, learnt some interesting things there, but i didn't really need to hear her engaging in said acts in the bed room next to me ....
i mentioned her husband earlier ... now from every thing i have seen of this guy he was pretty cool, don't know why he was with her (must have enjoyed butt sex with her) anyhow he came to live with us at one stage and i asked if she was interested in splitting the rent between us all ..... well she freaked at that suggestion .... and that was the beggining of the end ,....... by that time i had had enough of cat shit, (they were never aloud out of the house and they just went crazy) her bad moods and being made to feel like an arse hole on a dayly bassis so i left .... bitch still owes me $$$
this is the one person i would run over if i ever saw her again!
the next one is a guy we will just call STONERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
this one did nothing but sit infront of the playstation and smoke tons of weed and do lines of speed ...... i'm pretty sure that the carpet in the unit was the home of some beast that would eat you if you were to go bare footed on it!
STONERRRRRRR ...... would eat all of my food, not clean, create mess and generally break all of my stuff ..... damn
there are many more parts to these stories but ... another time.