Originally Posted by espi
Ah. My favorite topic: Western Conference NBA basketball.
I'm not sure how the Sun's backcourt rotation is going to work out though. It seems like they have a lot of duplication in the 2 Guard position: Joe Johnson, Quentin Richardson, and Casey Jacobsen. Q is definitely the best player of the three, but I read somewhere on ESPN that they plan on starting Johnson, and bringing Q off the bench. (Whaaa?) I think I would probably use Johnson as tradebait for a player that can swing between the 3 and 4, they can use a little more depth behind Matrix and Stoudemire.
Hey people. good to see a fellow NBA nuts like myself.
Regarding JJ, Joe Johnson earnt the starting role last season. After Marbury and Penny were traded JJ put up 20points a night for the rest of the season. Watch for JJ to really have a solid season. If he gets his confidence up he'll be the Suns second leading scorer after Amare. Casey is one on the outer. He's been dissapointing. Basically is turning into a spot up shooter and thats IT. Steven Hunter will suprise this season.
I think Marion often comes up in the trade talks because he's really been the only guy of value for us. It was no secret when Jerry sold the team he was cutting salary, Penny, Marbs, Googs etc. I think Marion is a player unlike most in the NBA. He struggled a little with Marbury but I think Nash is gonna to be super for Shawn, because he is so good without the ball... ala Cebellos... but quicker, better on defense, and more explosive.
Lampe is only 19 and showing nice progress. Barbosa is indeed a stud but is more a 2G then a true PG. One of the reasons Nash is in Pho is to teach Barbosa to play PG. And as far as the 4 year deal, i think he'll be ok. He'll be playing same sort of minutes as in Dallas round 30's a game. compared with some of the other deals that went down like the dampier deal, the Mcdyess deal. Nash wasn't too bad.
Ps eisley is trash.

Seen enough of him last year to see that.
One thing i do hope for this season is that the Lakers play like absolute shit. That will be fun to see. Kobe taking 40 shots a game to get his scoring title.