I kind of liked the "Who's your daddy" thing. MLB did too apparently, they made T-shirts for it. Well, they recalled them when the Red Sox started crying about it, but still. It's the thought that counts. I hope if Pedro pitches in the Bronx again the fans throw 50 cent pieces or mangos on the field. If he's going to make stupid statements at the press conferences, Yankee fans have the right to respond. Personally, If I was his teammate, I'd stick some duct tape over his mouth after every start, win or lose. Anyway, it's more creative than "Yankees suck", especially when that sucky team has YOUR team backed into a corner and has owned them for the last 86 years.
I'm a Rangers fan, and I HATED hearing "1940" from Islanders fans. But what did the Rangers do to make that stop? Win the Cup. My favorite part of the Rangers winning the Cup was the Rangers fans chanting "1940" one last time, as if to say "We'll never have to hear this shit again after we're finished."
Want us to stop chanting "1918?" WIN THE WORLD SERIES. We'll stop, we promise.
I do agree with you about the announcers though. Buck and McCarver in particular and Fox Sports in general should be forever banned from showing any type of sporting event on TV.