Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
I hope you're kidding.
Security IS a big issue on WLANs. Trust me. It's my job to design, deploy and manage wireless networks. Without properly implemented wireless security it is trivial to hack. However, if you follow some simle steps, it's current impossible to do so.
All it takes is a little understanding and a few minutes time and effort. Then your WLAN will be impervious to all currently known hacking attacks.
Mr Mephisto
I didn't say don't use any security, thats just nuts. What I meant was people won't hack your network if they can't a signal

A lousy connection will be horrible for packet sniffing too. Suitably placed the AP will provide access to the house but not the street...its just first line security...they can't hack something thats not there.
Houses over here (NZ) are usually are quite far from curb...big sections etc
So I'm probably thinking locally...I guess its diff in the states.