Originally Posted by Rlyss
I think most of my efforts are in vain, since I have a cigarette in the morning sometimes, but even so, I...
- soap (Lux or something)
- Herbal Essences shampoo (smells so good)
- SpeedStick
- A tiny spray of Acqua di Gio if it's a special occasion
I bought the Acqua di Gio because of the recommendations I've seen from this board and other places around the net. Everyone swears by it, and I've joined the crowd. It smells fantastic. Most days it just sits idle, but if it's a special occasion then I'll use it and usually ge complimented.
Gio is something.
I'm a
Irish spring
Herbel Essence
Gio guy
Also the most important of all things. I use Anti static dryer stuff with my cloths, and I wash them myself. Most girls I've been with and around say that's one of the best things for a guy to do, have clean cloths that smells fresh.