Congress is almost completely controlled by the GOP at this point, and could easily be swayed in whatever direction needed by those in power. But, that is not the main point. I was seriously hoping someone could show the errors in my "speculation" so as to put my mind at least somewhat.
While it is indeed a speculative argument, it is also the logical conclusion based on what data are currently available. I personally have been able to come to no other conclusion, barring unforseen changes in policy. We are simply stretched too thin militarily, and are leaving ourselves open as a target should we take our forces out of Germany, Korea, the Phillipines,....etc....
If anyone has a more defined, and serious answer....theoretical or not, that points towards something other than forced military service, please let it be known here.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha