Originally Posted by Lebell
If we can get back to the topic, which seems harder and harder to do these days in "Tilted Politics".
Saying Bush will reinstate the draft is very much scare tactics and Kerry supporters should acknowledge this.
First, it was congressional Democrats that brought up the possibility, not Bush or Republicans.
Second, it would require an act of congress, not just Bush saying, "Make it so, Number One".
I do agree that we need more troops, but my opinion is that we have a bunch of troops sitting in Germany that could be used.
Again....I refer to the statements I made in an earlier reply in this thread.
"IF" we continue on our current course, and the administration has shown absolutely that it intends to do so, then we will need to increase our troop strength dramatically. There seems to be little , if any chance of "recruiting" sufficient numbers of willing soldiers at this time, thus the need to prolong the tours of those already in action, and the use of reservists as a large part of the current force in Iraq.
Taking these points into account, I see little alternative to a draft if we wish to support these aggressions, and create "freedom" across the globe. If indeed there is something I am missing in my logic, please point it out as I would feel great relief at my error. As it is....logic dictates the inevitable, and I am fearful of the outcome.