an extension of the points made above about inadequate troop levels in iraq--it seems that cowboy george prefers to market his dirty little colonial war as if the fantasies of paul wolfowitz still obtained. and to shape his "policies" in iraq as if these fantaisues were somehow descriptive.
i find few things in politics more frightening than the presistance of this particular delusion, both on the part of bush himself and, worse, on the part of those who support him.
the systematic refusal to address complex issues, the preference for talking in reassuring generalities coded to add motion to the circle-jerk of right political life--THAT is frightening.
as for tactics--please...the tendency of the right to undertake a sleazy activity--in this case the use of Fear as an election tactic--and then to project that same act onto the opposition, without regard for proportion, is simply at evidence in this thread. it might seem like a bizarre compulsion to confess--but how i think it really functions is as a way to blunt critique.
"what are you talking about, using Fear in an attempt to re-elect the non-entity in chief? you do it...."
it would be crazy if it did not work.
as it stands, it is just another marker of the dangerous elements of conservative discourse in general, and a strong argument in itself to push bush out of office and this whole machine back into opposition.