Scare Tactics? You say it like it's a bad thing.
If the prospect of 4 more years of Bush doesn't frighten you, then you haven't been paying attention (or, to be fair, you have figured something out that I just plain don't get, and I think you're wrong.)
Bush has categorically ruled out a Draft. Much as he promised to be a uniter rather than a divider. Like he promised to reduce CO2 emissions. Like he swore to get Bin-Laden. Look, little lies (no, honey, that dress is really slenderizing) are fine, and medium sized lies (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) are bad, but not something I give a damn about if they don't affect job performance, but these are big ones that touch on the core of what it means to be president. That's verging on a pathology, and that is scary. Man who's whole pitch is to support our troops cuts their benefits even as he sends them to fight a war that it is increasingly apparent was totally without reason? Scary. It's very near the point where one can bet that when Bush says one thing, he will do exactly the opposite. So when he says absolutely no draft, I really worry about the kids my wife teaches. The ones who are going to be playing catch with RPGs in Iraq in 2 years, if their not playing tic-tac-nuke with Iran in 3.
Man who can wipe out human life on the planet can't pronounce nuclear? (Hint: new - clear) That's got the rest of the world crapping its pants.
So scare tactics from the Democratic side, they seem pretty appropriate to me.
From the other side? Sounds like Karl Rove talespinning.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.