Originally Posted by Lebell
This is an honest, non-flip answer.
We make those who have a propensity to like us, like us.
The rest we make to fear us.
That is the major victory of Iraq.
Those countries that have traditionally supported terror, especially in the Middle East, now know that there is a man in the White House that isn't afraid to take them out of power if they identify themselves as our enemy, as Afghanistan did by not handing over Bin Laden and Iraq did by the first Gulf war and repeated UN violations.
I see Kerry as being a guy big on doing the first part, but unwilling to do the second.
As to Germany, I note that they LOVE our money, even as they hate Bush. Maybe George should close ALL the bases over there, just so they don't have to take our filthy lucre.
How do you forsee any country having a "propensity to like us"? The true lesson of Bushwar for the world is that Americans are willing to elect and support a leader who will make bat-shit crazy military moves including unprovoked invasions. The other lesson for dictators and fundamentalist governments is that they had better develop nuclear weapons because that is apparently the only deterant effective against the right-wing that holds power in the U.S. (Iran, Pakistan, North Korea). How do you explain our government's handling of Saudia Arabia with kid gloves when it has been proven as an ongoing source of terrorists? The Bush docterine is untenable and arbitrary at best.