Originally Posted by high_jinx
kobe's been known to knock out a triple double before... and if i remember correctly, his assist numbers go way up in all the games he's played while shaqless!
Ok. Even if Kobe plays TWICE as well as he did when Shaq was gone, the Lakers will not be even close to the best team in the league. Didn't you learn ANYTHING from the finals last year? Pure talent is not the most important factor in going all the way in basketball. It's teamwork. However, you must also have the talent to go along with said teamwork. Last year, the Lakers showed they did not have it. This year, even if they somehow, in some way manage to play like a team better than anyone, they still will not win it all, or even close. They have no middle presence worth mentioning... I still can't believe you think Kobe + anyone will win a championship.
Anyway, come back when the Lakers either barely squeak into the playoffs and lose in the first round, or don't even make them. Yeah. Then we'll see if you've learned anything.