Originally Posted by Erlein
Persons in the military (and I am one) should understand the consequences (for lack of a better word) of their chosen occupation and accept that. When you choose to enlist you swear to uphold are valued ideology and to defend the United States. And call me crazy, but I do believe there is a "to obey the orders of those appointed over me" line. To refuse an order because of an objection to the war is absurd and is also considered treason. However, if these soldiers were disobeying because of not being properly equiped with the necessary weapons and supplies, then yes, this case should be brought to those appointed over them and dealt with accordingly.
However, you are also taught that you do not and should not have to follow illegal orders.
Plus you are sworn to defend the US. This war is not about defending our country or our way of life in anyway.
I look at it as.... Bush lied numerous times over why we went to war, so if you have a commander in chief that can't give an honest to God answer as to why I should kill others or die over there..... then I ain't going to kill others or die over there no matter what the military threatens me with.
I'm sure soldiers see Haliburton overcharging for fuel and selling us equipment tha never arrives for MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS and it's got to affect morale.
I will never condemn a soldier for following legal orders and doing what he believes to be best for his country. The soldiers that are over there fighting and doing it because they believe they are doing what is best... have my respect and gratitude.
However, I'm sorry, I will not condemn any soldier for not doing his "duty" and not going over there because it is not a war that is defnding us in any way. He also has my respect for he is doing what he believes in and what he believes in his heart to be right.
I will also say this, if a soldier does go over there and does decide to put a weapon in his hand then he has a duty to defend and help his fellow soldiers. I will condemn a soldier that "changes his mind" in the middle of a heated combat because then he has put good men's lives at risk by his actions.
DJ.... perhaps there is over reading but I have a feeling that as with ANY news source from the front, the truth is being withheld and only what the gov't wants us to know is being told. To have a source declare that there is even a slight case of soldiers disobeying or questioning means that something a little more serious is happening then we are being told.